MSR605X Credit Card 3 Track Encoder

Works with Mac & Win
Sale price$86.00 USD

The MSR605X Credit Card Encoder. Write data on all three track of magnetic stripes. 

USB Powered. No additional driver needed. Works with Win and Mac.

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MSR605X Credit Card 3 Track Encoder

Works for Store Loyalty Cards, Gift Cards, Employee Cards.

Card Encoder

Read & Rewrite track 1, 2 & 3 of credit cards

Write all track combinations in 75/210 bpi data density

Built-in Battery. USB Powered.

No driver setup required. No heavy chunk of AC adapter.

Read & Write Format

Support ISO, AAMVA, DMV, raw data and user define format

HiCo and LoCo

Support both HiCo and LoCo cards (300~4000 oe)

Free Reader Writer Software

Complimentary software download upon purchase

Up to 30% off for bulk orders

Efficiently Rewrite Track 1, 2, 3 of Credit Card Magnetic Stripe

Reliable Materials for Your Sourcing Process

MSR605X Credit Card 3 Track Encoder

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