
How to use the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader

How to use the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader - TagtixRFID

What is EM4100?

An EM4100 125khz RFID Reader is a device that can read RFID cards or tags operating at a frequency of 125khz, specifically those that use the EM4100 chip. It works as a keyboard emulator. It's widely used for access control, membership management, and ID identification.


What types of cards or tags are compatible with an EM4100 125khz RFID Reader?

An EM4100 125khz RFID Reader is compatible with 125khz EM410X, and EM4100 family cards and tags. 


Using the EM4100 125khz ID Card Reader

  1. Connect with a computer via the USB port using the included USB cable. Use OTG adapter for smartphones and Macs.
  2. When the buzzer rings, it means the reader is powered. Shortly, the LED light turns red, ready to read data.
  3. Open an empty document in Notepad, MS Office Word, or Excel on your computer. Click in the document to prepare for reader data output.
  4. By default, the reader reads ten digits of the serial number. However, if you prefer to read either 8 or 18 digits of the serial number, you can download the setting tool here to configure it. All you need to do is adjust the output format digits accordingly.
  5. Place the card/tag on top of the reader. The data number of the card/tag will appear in the open document. Meanwhile, the LED light will change from red to green.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can an EM4100 125khz RFID Reader be used for access control?

Yes, it can be used for access control systems. Since it's low-cost and easy to set up with its plug-and-play convenience, it's widely used in access control systems.

Q: Does the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader require any additional drivers or software?

No, the EM4100 is plug-and-play and requires no additional drivers or software. It will be automatically recognized by the operating system as a USB device.

Q: Can the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader be used with Windows?

Yes, it is compatible with Windows operating systems. It can be used with Windows 7, 8, and 10 without the need for additional drivers.

Q: Can the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader be used with Android?

Yes, it is compatible with Android, as well as Linux and Mac. However Android devices require an OTG adapter to connect the reader.

Q: Does the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader come with a USB cable?

Yes, it comes with a USB cable.

Q: Can the EM4100 125khz RFID Reader be used for both reading and writing RFID cards?

The EM4100 RFID Reader is primarily designed for reading RFID cards or tags. It doesn't support writing

Q: What is the operating range of an EM4100 125khz RFID Reader?

The operating range of EM4100 125khz RFID Reader from TagtixRFID is 0-8cm. 

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